Coding week
Year 5 enjoyed using Scratch and Codemonkey in coding week!
The day the robots came to school!
We loved starting our school year off with taking part in fun robot workshops! We got to see lots of different robots in action and even got to have fun programming them ourselves!
In Year 2, the children have been looking at computers and the computing system. They have begun to look at coding and how computer programs use algorithms.
Year 6 made their own website to finish off their Local History Topic! The website shows all of the key topics, events and themes evident in Wetherby’s history and demonstrates all the fantastic learning that has taken place in Year 6 this half term!
In Year 5, the children have been learning about Binary code as part of their Computing module on the Mars Rover!
In Year 6, the children have been learning about World War II in History. They practised their research skills using the Chromebooks in Computing, before putting them to the test in an online quiz!
In Year 1's Computing lesson, the children had to follow instructions to get dressed. Then they had to make their own instructions up to dress the model. They then swapped over and followed another person's instructions. This was to help explain what an algorithm is. The children then had to order instructions for crossing the road.
In Year 3, the children have been learning about networks, using the school network as an example. We then recreated the school network using white string to indicate wired links between components and red string to indicate wireless links between components. We used 'component cards' to role play the processes involved in requesting & receiving a file from a device (laptops, ipads, desktop computer), with some children acting as files (text, picture and music files) to move along the string between the devices (wireless access points, network switches, servers, printers and laptops). We then went outside and used chalk to draw diagrams of how the internet works, again, using wired & wireless links between components.
Year 4 have been using Chromebooks to research, and Google slides to present, information about the Arctic fox. This work linked to our English text, which features an Arctic fox cub.
In Year 4, we have been practising our times tables recall using
We are definitely getting faster!