Crossley Street Primary School

Inspiring Today to Achieve Tomorrow

Welcome to the Year 2 Class Page

Mrs. Harvey, Mrs. Stanton, Mrs. Lindop, Mr. Ivers, Mrs. Prestwich and Mrs. Todd welcome you all to Year 2!



Great Fire of London Workshop

As a fantastic finale to our Great Fire of London topic, 'Get Outdoors' came to work with us and we made Tudor houses whihc we then set alight, creating our own mini Great Fire of London!  We loved this creative day and will always remember the reasons why the fire spread so easily!


In Science, the children have really enjoyed investigating different fabrics to find out whihc was the most durable.

'50 Things to do at Crossley Street'

At our school, children have the opportunity to take part in 50 outdoor simple experiences over their time here.  Here are some of our class 'Blowing bubbles into the wind', after making their own wands with pipe cleaners.

Crossley Street Primary School

Inspiring Today to Achieve Tomorrow

Welcome to the Year 2 Class Page

Mrs. Harvey, Mrs. Stanton, Mrs. Lindop, Mr. Ivers, Mrs. Prestwich and Mrs. Todd welcome you all to Year 2!



Great Fire of London Workshop

As a fantastic finale to our Great Fire of London topic, 'Get Outdoors' came to work with us and we made Tudor houses whihc we then set alight, creating our own mini Great Fire of London!  We loved this creative day and will always remember the reasons why the fire spread so easily!


In Science, the children have really enjoyed investigating different fabrics to find out whihc was the most durable.

'50 Things to do at Crossley Street'

At our school, children have the opportunity to take part in 50 outdoor simple experiences over their time here.  Here are some of our class 'Blowing bubbles into the wind', after making their own wands with pipe cleaners.

Crossley Street Primary School

Inspiring Today to Achieve Tomorrow

Welcome to the Year 2 Class Page

Mrs. Harvey, Mrs. Stanton, Mrs. Lindop, Mr. Ivers, Mrs. Prestwich and Mrs. Todd welcome you all to Year 2!



Great Fire of London Workshop

As a fantastic finale to our Great Fire of London topic, 'Get Outdoors' came to work with us and we made Tudor houses whihc we then set alight, creating our own mini Great Fire of London!  We loved this creative day and will always remember the reasons why the fire spread so easily!


In Science, the children have really enjoyed investigating different fabrics to find out whihc was the most durable.

'50 Things to do at Crossley Street'

At our school, children have the opportunity to take part in 50 outdoor simple experiences over their time here.  Here are some of our class 'Blowing bubbles into the wind', after making their own wands with pipe cleaners.