Our Definition of Learning
At Crossley Street, children’s learning is developed from episodic and broad experiences, nurtured independence, curiosity and practice; through an acquisition of knowledge and an increasing ability to apply skills, which are embedded into children’s long-term memory; enabling them to recall information immediately, almost without thinking.
Curriculum Intent
At Crossley Street, our curriculum intent is strongly linked to our curriculum drivers, which are: Initiative, Diversity, Community and the Wider Environment and Personal Wellbeing and Growth. The main intention of our curriculum is to ensure pupils leave Crossley Street ready to play a key role in modern society; to make a valued contribution to the local and national community; ready to engage with people of different cultures, faiths and backgrounds and succeed in life. Our curriculum will extend to every pupil and we will work closely with families and external agencies to ensure that all children are able to access and benefit from a diverse and fulfilling timetable, maximising the impact of Pupil Premium and PE Grant Funding. We value each child as an individual with a unique potential for learning. Striving for the best curriculum for our children, enables learners to progress, flourish, reach and exceed their potential. We aim to inspire children today for them to achieve tomorrow.
Initiative: Children are encouraged to perceive challenge as a vehicle for learning, while expanding boundaries, overcoming barriers and moving outside of traditional comfort zones. This will develop a love of learning, enabling children to grow and be the best they can possibly be. We aim for opportunities for children to be innovative and develop awe and wonder, while taking responsibility for their own learning, through igniting their curiosity and by providing meaningful and purposeful experiences. We will foster an environment that builds resilience, enables personal discovery, is purposeful and provides children with the initiative to be resourceful, work collaboratively and develop independent learning behaviours.
Diversity: We aim to increase awareness and develop appreciation of different cultures. It is important that these differences are appreciated and celebrated, not just tolerated. We recognise that in understanding different cultures, it enriches our lives, enhances our respect for differences and allows us to understand the challenges faced by people in other countries. We aim to embrace British Values and link these to our local and wider community across our broad and balanced curriculum. Children will be taught to appreciate and value individuality and uniqueness, while understanding why every person is remarkable.
Community and Wider Environment: We aim to make the most of our local community and outside space, including our own school grounds. We will offer opportunities to take learning outside and provide experiences within the natural environment. It will allow our children to be children and create meaningful experiences for them. The use of the outside environment and the local and wider community, together with the involvement of parents in a constructive and meaningful way, will promote the personal and character development of the children. This will enable children to interact and understand different cultures and faiths, celebrating our similarities and differences.
Personal Wellbeing and Growth: We aim to understand that children need to be given time to reflect; to learn about who they are, who they want to be and how to find their place in the world. We are aware of maintaining our own and other’s physical and mental health and the role we each play in that. Children will be supported and given valuable time to explore their thoughts, feelings and opinions in a safe environment, where everyone is valued and appreciated. We aim to encourage openness and pupil voice.
Our Curriculum Coordinator is Miss Levine. If You would like to find out more, please contact her via the school office.
Email: Mrs Staples office@crossleystreet.co.uk
View our Curriculum Subjects Statements of Intent here: