Crossley Street Primary School

Inspiring Today to Achieve Tomorrow

Welcome to the Reception Class Page

A very warm welcome to Reception! Mrs Laverty will be teaching you from Monday to Thursday morning, supported by Miss Welford every day, Mrs Nolan all day Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon, and Mrs Taylor on Thursday morning. Mrs Taylor will teach the class, on Thursday afternoon and Friday, the latter being supported by Miss Fenton. Here's to a year of fun learning!

Our Classroom and Outdoor Area

Here are some photographs of our areas of provision and outdoor areas. Enjoy!

Reception are Gardeners!


We love making the most out of our outdoor space in Reception. 

As part of our work on the life cycle of a plant, we have planted some sunflower seeds! I modelled the process, and when we began our planting the next day, the children remembered what to do!

I asked the children where they should put their pots; we discussed how they couldn’t go outside straight away, or the slugs and snails would get them! They needed to be kept on a windowsill, until the shoot was about 10cm high - the first step was they would germinate in the soil, if we watered a little every day. The children knew the pot needed water, sunlight, air and the right temperature to grow.

The children brought their pots home for the Easter holidays, and returned them at the start of the Summer term.

We checked the seedlings, and any that were 10cm tall or more, went in the flower bed with some sticks to keep them upright! We even began to order ourselves depending on how tall our seedling was!

“Trowel” was a new word for many children - we cleared some space, where the wilted daffodils were, and planted our seedlings in the gaps. Hopefully we will have some giant sunflowers for our new starters to see in September! 

The children have also been filling the herb jars in our mud kitchen, using the herb garden. They are learning to identify 'basil,' 'parsley,' 'mint,' 'lavender' and 'oregano.'

Ducklings come to Crossley Street!


Last week, some little (plus one larger!) egg arrived in the Hive. A few days later, here we are studying our newly hatched ducklings! We discussed their life cycle, and their features, such as a beak, webbed feet and fluffy fuzz, which will later turn into feathers.

Crossley Street Primary School

Inspiring Today to Achieve Tomorrow

Welcome to the Reception Class Page

A very warm welcome to Reception! Mrs Laverty will be teaching you from Monday to Thursday morning, supported by Miss Welford every day, Mrs Nolan all day Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon, and Mrs Taylor on Thursday morning. Mrs Taylor will teach the class, on Thursday afternoon and Friday, the latter being supported by Miss Fenton. Here's to a year of fun learning!

Our Classroom and Outdoor Area

Here are some photographs of our areas of provision and outdoor areas. Enjoy!

Reception are Gardeners!


We love making the most out of our outdoor space in Reception. 

As part of our work on the life cycle of a plant, we have planted some sunflower seeds! I modelled the process, and when we began our planting the next day, the children remembered what to do!

I asked the children where they should put their pots; we discussed how they couldn’t go outside straight away, or the slugs and snails would get them! They needed to be kept on a windowsill, until the shoot was about 10cm high - the first step was they would germinate in the soil, if we watered a little every day. The children knew the pot needed water, sunlight, air and the right temperature to grow.

The children brought their pots home for the Easter holidays, and returned them at the start of the Summer term.

We checked the seedlings, and any that were 10cm tall or more, went in the flower bed with some sticks to keep them upright! We even began to order ourselves depending on how tall our seedling was!

“Trowel” was a new word for many children - we cleared some space, where the wilted daffodils were, and planted our seedlings in the gaps. Hopefully we will have some giant sunflowers for our new starters to see in September! 

The children have also been filling the herb jars in our mud kitchen, using the herb garden. They are learning to identify 'basil,' 'parsley,' 'mint,' 'lavender' and 'oregano.'

Ducklings come to Crossley Street!


Last week, some little (plus one larger!) egg arrived in the Hive. A few days later, here we are studying our newly hatched ducklings! We discussed their life cycle, and their features, such as a beak, webbed feet and fluffy fuzz, which will later turn into feathers.

Crossley Street Primary School

Inspiring Today to Achieve Tomorrow

Welcome to the Reception Class Page

A very warm welcome to Reception! Mrs Laverty will be teaching you from Monday to Thursday morning, supported by Miss Welford every day, Mrs Nolan all day Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon, and Mrs Taylor on Thursday morning. Mrs Taylor will teach the class, on Thursday afternoon and Friday, the latter being supported by Miss Fenton. Here's to a year of fun learning!

Our Classroom and Outdoor Area

Here are some photographs of our areas of provision and outdoor areas. Enjoy!

Reception are Gardeners!


We love making the most out of our outdoor space in Reception. 

As part of our work on the life cycle of a plant, we have planted some sunflower seeds! I modelled the process, and when we began our planting the next day, the children remembered what to do!

I asked the children where they should put their pots; we discussed how they couldn’t go outside straight away, or the slugs and snails would get them! They needed to be kept on a windowsill, until the shoot was about 10cm high - the first step was they would germinate in the soil, if we watered a little every day. The children knew the pot needed water, sunlight, air and the right temperature to grow.

The children brought their pots home for the Easter holidays, and returned them at the start of the Summer term.

We checked the seedlings, and any that were 10cm tall or more, went in the flower bed with some sticks to keep them upright! We even began to order ourselves depending on how tall our seedling was!

“Trowel” was a new word for many children - we cleared some space, where the wilted daffodils were, and planted our seedlings in the gaps. Hopefully we will have some giant sunflowers for our new starters to see in September! 

The children have also been filling the herb jars in our mud kitchen, using the herb garden. They are learning to identify 'basil,' 'parsley,' 'mint,' 'lavender' and 'oregano.'

Ducklings come to Crossley Street!


Last week, some little (plus one larger!) egg arrived in the Hive. A few days later, here we are studying our newly hatched ducklings! We discussed their life cycle, and their features, such as a beak, webbed feet and fluffy fuzz, which will later turn into feathers.

Crossley Street Primary School

Inspiring Today to Achieve Tomorrow

Welcome to the Reception Class Page

A very warm welcome to Reception! Mrs Laverty will be teaching you from Monday to Thursday morning, supported by Miss Welford every day, Mrs Nolan all day Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon, and Mrs Taylor on Thursday morning. Mrs Taylor will teach the class, on Thursday afternoon and Friday, the latter being supported by Miss Fenton. Here's to a year of fun learning!

Our Classroom and Outdoor Area

Here are some photographs of our areas of provision and outdoor areas. Enjoy!

Reception are Gardeners!


We love making the most out of our outdoor space in Reception. 

As part of our work on the life cycle of a plant, we have planted some sunflower seeds! I modelled the process, and when we began our planting the next day, the children remembered what to do!

I asked the children where they should put their pots; we discussed how they couldn’t go outside straight away, or the slugs and snails would get them! They needed to be kept on a windowsill, until the shoot was about 10cm high - the first step was they would germinate in the soil, if we watered a little every day. The children knew the pot needed water, sunlight, air and the right temperature to grow.

The children brought their pots home for the Easter holidays, and returned them at the start of the Summer term.

We checked the seedlings, and any that were 10cm tall or more, went in the flower bed with some sticks to keep them upright! We even began to order ourselves depending on how tall our seedling was!

“Trowel” was a new word for many children - we cleared some space, where the wilted daffodils were, and planted our seedlings in the gaps. Hopefully we will have some giant sunflowers for our new starters to see in September! 

The children have also been filling the herb jars in our mud kitchen, using the herb garden. They are learning to identify 'basil,' 'parsley,' 'mint,' 'lavender' and 'oregano.'

Ducklings come to Crossley Street!


Last week, some little (plus one larger!) egg arrived in the Hive. A few days later, here we are studying our newly hatched ducklings! We discussed their life cycle, and their features, such as a beak, webbed feet and fluffy fuzz, which will later turn into feathers.