Crossley Street Primary School

Inspiring Today to Achieve Tomorrow

Welcome to the Year 4 Class Page


Mrs Dodson, Mr Ivers, Mrs Bebb and Mrs Todd welcome you to Year 4. We have lots of new and exciting topics to study throughout the year, from the Ancient Greeks to Rainforests, from Romans to Volcanoes! We also get to go swimming every week!

Wetherby Methodist Church visit

As part of our R.E. topic, we spent the afternoon with Rev Ann and her team of helpers at Wetherby Methodist Church. She had created a carousel of fun activities for us to complete and helped us to learn about her role in the community.

Skipping Festival

We had a skipping workshop with Katie from Skipping School in November and since then we have been practising our skills, ready to take part in a Skipping Festival at Armley Leisure Centre. Each child had an important role, competing individually or as part of a team. We may not have won overall but we can home with so many certificates. 


Ancient Greece

As an introduction to our new History topic, we had a Greek food tasting session. We didn't just buy the food, we made our own Tzatziki dip to enjoy with pitta and flatbreads. It was all delicious!

The Maya

We learnt all about this civilisation and had fun bringing elements to life. We made headdresses - did you know the bigger your headdress, the more important you were?!? We made Maya hieroglyphs from clay. We also tried to play the Maya game 'Pok tu Pok', you couldn't use your hands or feet to move a ball which was a lot harder than it looked!

Place Value work

We took our learning outside and found natural resources to represent 3 digit numbers.

50 things to do before you leave Crossley Street


We headed outside again to have a go at one of the 50 things activities. We all had great fun climbing trees!


With Mr Ivers, we have practised different french greetings. We worked with a partner to have a short conversation in French.

Roman Numerals

Within our topic of Place Value, we have learnt the roman numerals for numbers upto 100. We watched a great video to help us. We were then set the challenge of making the numbers using lollipop sticks. Some of the numbers were quite tricky!

Maya Hieroglyphs Scavenger Hunt

Mrs Dodson sent us on a scavenger hunt around the school. We had to find and record 14 different Maya hieroglyphs. Drawing some of them was hard as they didn't just draw a picture of the thing they were describing. The word for 'jaguar' can actually be written 15 different ways!