Crossley Street Primary School

Inspiring Today to Achieve Tomorrow


Deciding on a school place is one of the most important decisions parents make. We try to make the process easier by asking all prospective parents to come and look around, you will be sure to get a friendly and warm welcome. It helps us if you phone for an appointment in advance so we can make sure the headteacher is available for you. 

Please click here to take a look at our Prospectus.


School Viewings
Open days for prospective new Reception parents to come and look around the school:
Thursday 10th October 2024 at 9:00 am
Wednesday 27th November 2024 at 6:00 pm
Tuesday 10th December 2024 at 9:00 am
If you have any enquiries regarding a Nursery place, please contact Mrs Laverty at 
Children can attend Nursery from the age of 3, and are admitted the term after their 3rd birthday, providing there are enough spaces available. Nursery sessions run from 9am-12pm, and 12pm-3pm (to include a hot or packed lunch) during term-time - all children are entitled to 15 hours of Nursery provision, and some may be able to attend for 30 hours if you provide us with an eligible 30 hour code before your child begins with us. Extra sessions can be paid for - please enquire for more details. We are able to cater for a maximum of 26 children per session.

The Governing Body is responsible for the admission of pupils to Crossley Street Primary School and admits 30 pupils to Reception each year. This admission limit has been agreed upon between the Governing Body and the Local Authority.

There is a legal maximum limit for infant classes of 30 pupils per class.

Children will be admitted into Reception in September after their 4th birthday. 

Parents may request that the date their child is admitted to the school is deferred until later in the same school year, or until the child reaches compulsory school age in that school year.


Requests for a child to defer the start until they reach compulsory school-age should be addressed to the Headteacher.


Compulsory school age is the beginning of the term following the child’s fifth birthday.


The timeline for applications to be received and processed are those agreed with the local authority.

Please follow this link for Leeds City Council School Admissions.


Leeds City Council will send out letters reminding parents to apply at the end of October. You can still apply if you do not get a letter.  


For help with your application, contact Leeds City Council on:

Phone: 0113 222 4414  


For more information for school admissions through Leeds City Council, please click here

In Year 

Requests for admission for any year group during the school year should be made by first contacting the school office, who will be able to clarify the availability of places and make an appointment for you to meet the headteacher.


Please click the links below to download more information:

Admissions Policy 2025-26

Admissions Policy 2024-25

Admissions Priority Form 1a

Admissions Priority Form 1b

Request for Deferment Form
