Crossley Street Primary School

Inspiring Today to Achieve Tomorrow

Welcome to the Nursery Class Page

The teachers in Nursery are Mrs Lindop (Monday to Wednesday) Mrs Corcoran (Thursday and Friday).  Other adults working in our class include Miss Cohn and Miss Jordan.


Listening Walk

As part of our phonics learning, we went on a listening walk around school to listen to different sounds in our environment. We heard all sorts from birds, to cars, to footsteps and leaves blowing in the trees.  The children listened really well and used their best listening skills.


Autumn Hunt

The children enjoyed exploring the grounds around school looking for signs of Autumn.  We collected items in different autumnal colours and the children loved making their own nature crowns.


Zones of Regulation

The children were introuduced to the 'Zones of Regulation.'  We talked lots about our different feelings and emotions and we learnt different strategies and techniques to help us if we are starting to feel in the yellow, blue or red zone.


The children always enjoy baking in class.  We especially enjoyed creating our own 'spooky snacks' for halloween!


Nursery have really enjoyed spending time with our special visitors in The Hive.  We saw the eggs when they first arrived in school and by the very next day, all five ducklings had hatched!  We couldn't believe how much they grew in  just a few days.

British Science Week

We enjoyed carrying out our Gingerbread Man experiment during British Science Week.  We made predictions about what we thought might happen to the Gingerbread Man when he went on holiday to some rainy places!  He was just about ok in the 'drizzle' but he didn't fair so well during the 'monsoon!'

Tiny Tales and Tunes

The Nursery children all thoroughly enjoyed their fun and interactive story time session with Catherine from Tiny Tales and Tunes.  The children all enjoyed the story of Cinderella with lots of fun props, dancing and singing.  They were able to retell the story brilliantly at the end of the session!